
Thursday, 29 July 2021


 Aim: to taste foods that are sweet , bitter, sour or salty 


1. Samples 1-9 

2 blindfold glasses 

3 recording chart 

4 ice creme stick taster 


1. Get safety glasses and make a blindfold 

2. Set up your chart and make sure that the person you are working with knows where to record your responses . 

3 Using an ice-creme stick you will dip into the sample. Once the sample is on the stick you will taste it and tell your partner your response . 

4. There will be 2 Answers

5. At taste test one you need to hold your nose . 

Answer 1 . is it sweet  , sour , salty , bitter. Record it 

Answer 2 . What do you think it is . Record it 

6. Repeat this for the next samples but you will only need to use your ice-creme stick taster for samples 1-4 


Thursday, 8 July 2021


 Talofa welcome back to my blog, today we are going to be talking about the Canterbury floods. 

The most flooded place was Ashburton. Peoples houses, cars and their garages are flooded. Most families and peoples had to be evacuated because the flood was getting worse and can endanger peoples life. Most of the floods are mostly in Ashburton. up to 4000 homes are flooded in Ashburton . Homes would be evacuated during daylight if required, rather than overnight, Kris Faafoi said . Farm worker Steve Naylor was keeping a close eye on the Hinds River that borders the farm he works on. Naylor said there was no water in the overflow on Winslow Rd at 6am this morning but it was significantly rising . All the live stock on the farm were safe but he was worried because the hinds river would breach its bank later on Sunday as the water moved down streamed . 

Hope you enjoyed my blog, see you next time . 

Canterbury flooding: Thousands in Ashburton prepare to evacuate | RNZ News

The Musical Theater

 Talofa, Welcome back to my blog ,

Today I am going to be telling you about last night Musical Theater . It was really fun i really enjoyed watching the show . My favourite show was by Jemimah she sang a song from glee and the song was Bust your windows out your car . I also liked the show Johanna it was really cool how she moved from the stage to the top of the auditorium and went outside . We had a 10 minute break before the other half was going to perform . We had Hot Chocolate, tea, and coffee . I had a really good time with my friends , We tried to play tag on the playground but it was to dark and scary. 

Hope you enjoyed my blog , see you next time . 

Theatre review: Heathers the Musical, Theatre Royal, Haymarket SW1 | Times2  | The Times

Monday, 5 July 2021

Stop Motion in Art

 Talofa welcome back to my blog, today i am going to be telling you about our clay monster we made.

We have been making stop motions with some of our clay monsters. We made our Monster clay using the pinching technique. We also have been working on stop motion. We had to make a stop motion with clay and make  it about anything. I named my clay monster, Big Timmy alien.   And I broke my comb. It looks really manky. We also made a person and a Apple tree . Our story line was about a man picking apples from the tree . I was the one who made the background and Finau and Neelah made the person and the Apple tree . 

Here is our Stop motion 

That's all for today , see you next time .