Talofa welcome back to my blog. Today we have been doing writing
Writing for this term is how do bees make honey. We watched a video on how do bees make honey.We had to write three paragraph's of how do bees make honey. 1 fact about bees is that they need 1000 flowers to make honey.
here is my informations of how do bees make honey.
Bees go to 8 million flowers to make honey and make our fruits, veges
First bees pollinate 3 quarters of our Fruits, Vegetables and Nuts. When they get to the flowers bees dive head first using their long tongues to slurp the nectar.They need 1000 flowers to pollinate and make honey.They collect nectar as much as possible.
Secondly the bees store the collected nectar in their honey stomach. Bees will vomit nectar into another bee worker and will keep going.one bee hive has 50kg’s of honey. Some bees are not that big so they don't get that much nectar
After They vomit into the honeycomb cell they cover it with wax so then the honey comb will stay together. Bees go around the world to find heaps of flowers to collect nectar.They need at least 1000 flowers to make honey.